Welcome to
The Happiness Museum
A small museum about the big things in life. At The Happiness Museum you will understand why Denmark is often called the happiest country on earth, what hygge has got to do with it, and how you can measure something as subjective as happiness. The Happiness Museum is created by The Happiness Research Institute, a think tank focusing on well-being, happiness and quality of life.
"Really interesting museum of the kind that makes you smarter. Good mix between hard facts, interactive experiments. Highly recommendable!"
- Helene
"It's a museum that delivers A-ha moments."
- Johan
"I already knew I was a happy guy, now I understand why"
- Frederik
What do guests think?

The Geography of Happiness
Finland is the happiest country in the world. But so is Paraguay. How does your country fare on the atlas of happiness?
What is in the museum?
The Happiness Lab
Where in our brains do our feelings of joy come from? How does happiness change with age?

The Politics of Happiness
Bhutan has been measuring Gross National Happiness since the 1970s, but how are other governments around the world adapting wellbeing as a goal for society?

The History of Happiness
How has our understanding of happiness changed over 2000 years?
The Anatomy of Smile
Can you recognise a fake and a genuine smile? Why is laughter contagious?

Nordic Happiness
It rains, on average, 170 days a year in Denmark - so why do Denmark and the other Nordic countries consistently rank amongst the happiest in the world?

The Future of Happiness
Will artificial intelligence become emotionally intelligent?
Will our phones know how we feel?